Sunday, April 15, 2012

Going in to the Series

Well, it's mid-April and in one week Sectionals will be ending. Then we will be one week from REGIONALS. The weekend that determines it all. Wow.

Looking back on five years of college ultimate.. is pretty crazy to think about. All the people I met and fell in love with that I would never have known if it weren't for this sport. All the places I got to go that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. There are so many things that Ultimate opened me up to that cross country, elite soccer, and the other sports in my past would never have been able to.

I try to imagine next year.. writing my thesis and finishing grad school without playing college ultimate. It's the weirdest feeling to imagine having those 15 or so hours a week (with travel weekends averaged in there) back and using it for something else. And it's bizarre! I almost don't know what I will feel next year. These girls have become my best friends. Obviously.

The part where I know that everyone moves on.. people move out of state, etc. It makes it easier. Knowing I will be in Austin one final year is nice because I can still be supportive and involved and help out a lot (especially if the team wants me around :)) will make that transition just a little bit easier.

Since I'm so future-oriented: looking ahead I think Ultimate will always be with me. I want to do my fellowship in an area with a decent frisbee scene (Colorado? North Carolina?) and good club options for me. I think, though Melee is on the national level, some of the girls were not meant to always play frisbee. You see it every year- some of the seniors continue on and others walk away. I think I can safely say I will be playing several years from now (as long as my old-lady body lets me), and coaching younger players and helping increase opportunities for women's ultimate are two things very close to my heart. I can't wait to see how frisbee (especially women's) will grow in the next decade. 

In two weeks I will know if I get an extra month of college ultimate. Fingers crossed. I've had some heartbreaker endings to seasons and at the end of last year I just told myself "I want to walk away from my last game at regionals knowing that was the best we could have done and that there's nothing I would change." Let's hope that holds true. Melee can do this. Together.

Frisbee Love- Libs


  1. fingers crossed! love you libs + melee

  2. ugh, yeah. I hear ya Libby. Great post and good luck at regionals lady! Hope we see each other in Boulder.
